Uses of when ,while & being

Let’s start this post -How to uses of when, while & being.

Whenis used to say longer action was interrupted by a shorter action.

  • I was reading when you called.(मैं पढ़  रहा था ,जब तुमने बुलाया | )
  • He is playing when you disturbed.

When –is used to express ‘at that time or ‘at that moment.

  • I like to wear casuals when I am on holiday.
  • I like to play football when I am young.

When –is used a short action is immediately followed by another short action.

  • He came out when the bell rang.
  • She came out when papa called her.

When – is used to talk about a specific age or period of life.

  • When I was a child, we lived in London.
  • When he was a student, we lived in Delhi.
  • When I was in school, we read more.

While–  is used to talk about two link actions happening at the same time.

  •  I was sleeping while the teacher was teaching.( जब मैं सौ रहा था ,तब  शिक्षक पढ़ा रहा था| )
  • She was surfing the internet while I was cooking.
  • He was driving while I was listening to music.
  • I am reading while he is walking

Beinghona, banana , rahna( होना,बनना,  रहना )

  • Being your elder brother, I have a right to scold you. (तुम्हारा बड़ा भाई होने के नाते मुझे तुम्हे डाटने का हक़ है | )
  • Being a friend, I forgive you. ( दोस्त होने  के नाते मैं  तुम्हे माफ कर देता हूँ |
  • Being a gardener, It’s your duty to watered the plants.
  • Being a teacher, It’s your duty to clear the concept.
  • Being a nursing staff, It’s your duty to well behave with the patient.
  • Being a CM of the state, It’s my duty to help the  state-citizen. राज्य  का CM   होने के नाते , यह  मेरा कर्तव्य है की मैं  राज्य के नागरिको का मदद  करू |
    when while, being

 I hope you like this post -How to uses of when, while & being.

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