Let’s start this post Coronavirus in the world Step taken by UN & India
Coronavirus spread from Wuhan ( China), WHO naming – 2019-n-cov,
COVID 2019 or COVID -19 (N-noble, CO- Corona,VI-virus,D- Disease)
WHO (world health organization) has been declared COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019 & Global Emergency, formed 7 April 1948, Headquarter- Geneva,( Switzerland ) President –Tedros Adhanom.
- WHO helps 675 million US dollar to fight against COVID -19
- United Nations help 1 Arab dollars to fight against COVID -19
- World Bank helps 12 billion dollars to fight against COVID-19 & recently announced 25 million Ameriki Doller for poor countries to fight against the COVID- 19Virus.
- ADB helps 4 billion dollars to fight against COVID-19 Virus.
- China given the fund to WHO 3 crore dollars.
- CEO of Twitter given 1 billion dollars to fight against COVID -19
- SAARC members country collect 5 million dollars to fight against coronavirus
Above all help to find medicine, Vaccine through research and mask ventilators PPE kit, sensitizer for needy country.
INDIA has confirmed its first case of the coronavirus as a student in the southern state Kerala who had studied in Wuhan, then India complete lockdown announced from 22 march to 17 May 2020.
- Indian central government announced helpline number -01123978046 to fight against COVID -19
- India helps the SAARC emergency fund 10 million to fight against the coronavirus.
- Kerala state gov starts movement –break the chain
- Panjab state launches app-Cova Panjab
- Indore is the first city use Drone to sensitize the city against the COVID -19
For the treatment of COVID, -19 patient established two specialized hospital Odisha gov 1000+1000 bedded & in Mumbai by Reliance company -100 bedded hospital named – Seven Hill Hospital.
Indian government announced all gov hospital & medical colleges hospitals free treatment of COVID-19 patient.
- State goa gov launch self-assessment tool to fight against COVID 19 patients.
- Indian army launch ‘operation namaste’ by M.M. Narwane against COVID- 19
- Indian gov launches app Corona Kavach to track COVID-19 patient
- Nagaland launches self-assessment mobile app
- America launches a kit to declared coronavirus in 5 minutes,
- Spain Raj Kumari is died by coronavirus.
- America helps the India 29 lakh Amerika Doller(22 crores) to fight against COVID -19
- India is the first country to researching the antibody to fight against coronavirus
- Pragyaam app launched by Jharkhand state in India to E-pass the health workers, Doctors, nurses, para medico staff & hospital staff.
- Coroutine mobile app launched by IIT Mumbai
- Anti-infection mask & Coro sure kit launched by IIT Delhi
- Project Isaac by IIT Gandhi Nagar
- Shakti app by IIT madras
- Warbot developed by IIT Ropar (Punjab)
- Pranvayu app launched by IIT Ruraki
- IIT Guwahati launches drone to sensitized the city of Assam
- IIT Kanpur developed a low-cost ventilator for corona patient
- Team 11 formed by the Uttar Pradesh gov to fight against coronavirus
- Karnataka gov launches mobile app to track COVID -19 patients –Corona watch.
America declared that the country BCG vaccine taken are less effect of coronavirus (B-bacillus,c-Calmette, G-Guerin )
- Indian gov announced free treatment & pathology through Aayusman Bharat Yojana.
- State Himachal Pradesh starts a campaign named –active case finding campaign.
- Indian HRD minister initiated Challenge Samadhan against COVID -19
- Chhattisgarh state government in India launch Raksha serve app to coroutine the police force
- Airtel payment bank launched COVID -19 insurance policy
- Delhi gov in India launches 5T plan to fight against COVID -19
- Testing
- Tracing
- Treatment
- Teamwork
- Tracking & monitoring.
- Telangana state gov implement COVID -19 monitoring system.
- Delhi gov starts The Operation shield & Access korona app to fight against coronavirus.
- Arunachal Pradesh launches the COVID care app to fight against coronavirus.
- Hindustan uni leaver company joint with UNICEF to fight against coronavirus.
- State Kerala gov start plasma therapy to fight against coronavirus &
- Launch Karmi Bot Robot to serve the COVID-19 patient.
- Goa is the first state in India to use Ayurveda for the treatment of COVID -19 patients.
- Utter Pradesh state gov in India starts to pull testing for COVID -19 patients.
- Madhya Pradesh gov in India lunch COVID -19 Yoddha Kalian Yojana, Kill Corona Abhiyan.
- Team mask force formed by BCCI
- FIFA- Start a movement to support health workers-
#We Will Win
Pass the message to kick out coronavirus
- Rattan tata donated 1500 crores in the PM cares fund in India to fight against coronavirus
- Mukesh Ambani donated – 500 crores in the PM cares fund.
- Reliance life science develops an RT-PCR which gives only 2 hours to get the result covid -19 positive/negative. (RT-PCR full form- Real-time polymerase chain reaction )
- Akshay Kumar donated 25 crores in the PM cares & 3 crore in state Maharashtra gov fund.
- Salman khan loaded the expend of 2000 workers in Mumbai film city in the lockdown period.
- Sachin Tendulkar donated 51 lakh in the PM cares fund.
- Sonu Sood felicitated by UNDP- SDG Special Humanitarian action Award for helping the migrant workers in Corona -time, he helps the worker to sent their native home by Bus, Train & Flite and also launched the Pravasi Rozgar app, Shiksha app, KHUD KAMAO GHAR CHALAO ABHIYAN and free treatment the people who are unable to pay hospital bill ………
and many other cricketers and actors, actresses, businessmen, and common people also donated to Indian PM cares fund to overcome the coronavirus.
I hope guys you like this post – Coronavirus in the world Step taken by UN & India.