Let’s start this post -The United Nations branches & other organization
The United Nations (UN) established on 24 October 1945 in New York.
It is an intergovernmental organization.
Members states (countries ) are 193, 193rd member is South Sudan.
There are five (5) permanent members and 10 Non-permanent members his term is 2 years.
The permanent members
- China
- France
- Russia
- United kingdom
- United State (America )
There are six (6) official language –
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- French
- Russian
- Spanish
At present the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres of Portugal.
The term of Secretary-general is 5 years.
The United Nations motto –International peace, security, sustainable development, human rights, humanitarian assistance, international cooperation among members states.
The UN has six principal organs (branch).
- The General assembly
- The Security council
- The Economic & social council
- The Trusteeship council
- The International court of justice
- The UN Secretariate
The UN system multiple specialized subsidiaries
- UNESCO-(United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ), Ested – 4 Nov 1945 (India enter in 1946), Headquarter –Perish (France ).
- UNICEF– (United Nations Children Fund ), Ested –11 December 1946. Headquarter New York(more than 190 countries).
- UNIDO-(United Nations Industrial Development Organization ), Ested -17 Nov 1966 Headquarter Vienna (Austria).
- UNFPA-(United Nations Fund for Population Activities), Ested-1967, has been operated 1969, Headquarter New York (renamed 1987 United Nations Population Fund ).
- UNDP-(United Nations Development Programme )Ested 22 Nov 1965 Headquarter New York,(more than 170 countries).
- UNHCR-(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)Ested 14 December 1950 Headquarter Geneva (Switzerland ) (more than 150 countries members).
- UNAIDS –(Joint United Nations programme AIDS / HIV) Ested 26 July 1994, Headquarter –Geneva (Switzerland ).
- UNEP –(United Nations Environmental Programme ) Ested 5 June 1972, Headquarter Nairobi (Kenya).
- UNRWA-( United nations relief & work agency)Ested 8 December 1949.
- World Bank– Ested 1944 operated 1945 Headquarter Washington DC.
- WHO –(World Health Organization ) Ested 7 April 1948 Headquarter Geneva( Switzerland).
- ILO-(International Labour Organization )Ested 1919 Geneva (Switzerland ).
- Other Organs (Branch)
- WMO-(World Metrological Organization ) Ested 1951, Headquarter Geneva (Switzerland ).
- WPU-(World Peace University ) Ested 1974, Headquarter Barn ( Switzerland ).
- WTO –(World Trade organization ) Ested 1 January 1995, Headquarter Geneva (Switzerland ).
- WIPO-(World Intellectual Property Organization )Ested 14 July 1967, Headquarter Geneva (Switzerland ).
- IMF– (International Monetary Fund ) Ested Dec 1945, Headquarter Washington DC.
- IMO– (International Maritime Organization ) Ested 17 march 1948, Headquarter London (UK ).
- ITU-(International Telecommunication University ) Ested 17 May 1965 Headquarter Geneva (Switzerland).
- ICAO-(International Civil Aviation Organization) Ested 4 April 1947 headquarter Montreal (Canada ).
- IFC-(International Finance Corporation) Ested July 1956 Head Quarter Washington DC.
- IAEA –(International Atomic Energy Agency) Ested 29 July 1957, Headquarter Vienna (Austria).
- FAO-(Food and Agriculture Organization) Ested 16 Oct 1945, Headquarter Rome(Italy).
- NATO –(The North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) An International military organization between 30 north American and European countries, ESTED -4 April 1949 Headquarter Washington DC (united state), founder- (United State, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Norway, Netherland, more…).
- ASEAN –(Association of South-East Asian Nations ) Ested -8 August 1967 Headquarter –Jakarta (Indonesia )
- APEC –(Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation) Ested 1989, Headquarter Queenstown (Singapore ),21 members countries United State, Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, The Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and Vietnam.
- OPEC-(The organization of the petroleum exporting countries ), Ested- 14 September 1960, Headquarter Bagdad,( Iraq), 13 members countries (Saudi Arab, Indonesia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, Libia, Algeria Nigeria, more ….).
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