Person-First, Second and Third person
| Singular -एकवचन | Plural-बहुवचन |
First-person-प्रथम पुरुष
| I-मैं | We-हमलोग |
Second person-मध्यम पुरुष
| you-तुम | you-तुमलोग
Third-person-उत्तम पुरुष
| He, she, it, name (Pankaj, Rita ) this, that, Boy, Girl (singular noun) | They, boys, girls, these, those(plural noun) |
Frist person – speaker ( बोलनेवाले को )
Second person – hearer ( सुननेवाले को )
Third-person – talking about (जिसके बारे में बात किया जाये )
Hindi meaning of some basic English word –
This (यह) – these (ये लोग )
That (वह ) – those (वे लोग )
He (वह )– his (उसका )
She(वह )– her(उसकी )
It (यह )-its
They -their
I (मैँ ) –my (मेरा )
We (हमलोग ) – our (हमारा)
You (तुम /तुमलोग/आप /आपलोग )– your (तुम्हारा /आपका )
Sentence (अपना के सम्बन्ध मे) – I am doing my work
- He is doing his work – वह अपना काम कर रहे है /
- She is doing her work-वह अपना काम कर रही है /
- Ram is doing his work -राम अपना काम कर रहा है /
- Rita is doing her work -रीता अपना काम कर रही है /
- We are doing our work -हमलोग अपना काम कर रहे है /
- They are doing their work -वे अपना काम कर रहे है /
- You are doing your work -तुम अपना काम कर रहे हो/
I hope the guy’s like this post -Person-First, Second and Third person.