MRI Parameters full form 

MRI Parameters full form 
TR– Repetition Time 
TE– Time of echo or echo time 
IR – Inversion Recovery 
ETL – Echo Train Length 

MRI Parameters full form 

Bandwidth – (Hz) The range of frequencies or wavelength that can be transmitted or received within a limited time .
Average/ Nex – Number of Excitation  
Slice thickness 
Gap – slice interval/spacing 
No. of slices 
Matrix frequency/ phase 
FOV– Field  of View 
SNR – Signal to noise ratio (100)
Scan time
Frequency Direction or Phase encoding Direction – AP, SI,RL ( side orientation marks)
FS– Fat Suppression 
SE –  Spin echo 
CSE–  Convention Spin Echo 
FSE– Fast Spin Echo 
TSE– Turbo Spin Echo 
TFE– Turbo Field Echo 
I hope like this post – MRI Parameters full form 

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