Full form of AC PC OD BD TDS QDS of Doctor’s Priscription 

Full form of AC PC OD BD TDS QDS of Doctor’s Priscription All of these words…


CT NUMBER/ HU VALUE/ HU Unit/ DENSITY IN CT Scan / (Hounsfield unit) Bone ( +…

Full form of MRI Sequences 

 Full form of MRI Sequences  • T1 – Longitudinal relaxation Time  • T2 – Transverse relaxation Time  • FLAIR – Fluid…

MRI Parameters full form 

MRI Parameters full form  • TR– Repetition Time  • TE– Time of echo or echo time  •…

Screening prior to scanning in MRI

Screening prior to scanning in MRI The following items can interfere with MRI scanning and some…

What is X-ray in Radiology?

What is X-ray in Radiology? X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, with a shorter wavelength…

What is MRI Machine ?

What is MRI Machine  ? MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a medical imaging…

What is CT Scan ?

What is CT Scan?                 A CT Scan  (Computed Tomography…

How many types of Joints 

How many types of Joints – There are three types of Joints in humans – 1.…

Synovial joints in Human

There are six types of  ( freely movable ) Synovial joints in Human  1. Ball and…