Let’s start this post Human Skeleton system with detail
There are 206 bone in human body
Axial skeleton -. Those parts of the our skeleton which are present along the mid line of our body- Skull, Vertebral column, Thoracic cage .
1. Skull
Cranium bone – 8
( Frontal-1, Parietal-2, Occipital-1 Temporal- 2, Sphenoid – 1,Ethmoid – 1)
2. Facial bone – 14
( Zygomatic – 2,Nasal- 2,Palatine – 2 ,Inferior nasal conchae- 2,Lacrimal – 2 ,Maxilla – 2,Mandible – 1,Vomer -1)
(Mandibular bone is the strong est bone in the human body)
3. Hyoid bone – above the larynx – 1
4. Ear ossicle 3 in each ear – 6 (Malleus-2 ,Incus – 2 Stapes-2 ( (Smallest bone in the human body – Stapes)
5. Thoracic cage
Saternum – 1 ( Manubrium,body and Xiphoid process )
Ribs – 24 (12 pairs) Three types
• True ribs -7 pairs – Those ribs which are dorsally articulate with thoracic vertebrae and venteraly wit sternum .It includes 1 to 7th pairs.
•False ribs 8th,9th,10th pairs – Those ribs which are dorsally articulated with thoracic vertebrae but venteraly connected with postal cartilage of 7th pair . It includes 8th,9th,10th pairs.
•Floating ribs-11th,12th pairs – The last 2 pairs of ribs are dorsally articulate with thoracic vertebrae but venteraly free, They work to protect kidneys.
6. Vertebral column
Vertebrae – 26 ( 7-12- 5-( 5)- (4)
Cervical -7
Dorsal – 12
Lumber – 5
Secrum -(5) 1
Coccyx (4) 1
Total Axial bone – 80
(Also known as Cervical spine, Dorsal spine, Lumber spine ,Sacral spine , coccyx spine)
Vertebrae– It is the back bone ie the bone which form dorsal wall of our body
Cervical – The vertebrae associated with neck part of body. 7 in number, the first is name as Atlas which articulate with our skull and second Axis.
Dorsal/ Thoracic– The vertebrae associate with thorax part of body 12 in number.
Lumber – It is associated with abdominal part and 5 in number.
Sacral – It is associated with sacral region of body ,the 5 sacral vertebrae was fused to form a single bone call as sacral / sacrum.
Coccygeal– The bone associated with tail as did not have tail so these are 4 bone fuse to form a single Coccyx.
Appendicular Skeleton – Those parts of our Skeleton which are not along the mid line of the body.
Shoulder girdle and upper limbs
Pelvic girdle and lower limbs
1. Pectoral girdle (Shoulder girdle)
Clavicle -2
Scapula – 2
2. Upper extremities – Both
Humerus – 2
Ulna – 2
Radius – 2
Carpals – 16
Meta Carpals – 10
Phalanges – 28
3. Pelvic girdle
Innominate bone – 2
Illium, Ischium,pubis
4.Lower extremities – Both
Femur -2 ( longest bone )
Fibula – 2
Tibia – 2
Patella – 2
Tarsals – 14
Metatarsals – 10
Phalanges – 28
Total – 126
Carpals ( wrist joint)- 8 (SLTPTTC)
2. Lunate
Tarsals ( ankle joint )-7 ( TNC-3 CC)
Cuniform -3 (medial series)
Total skeleton bone in the human body-
Skull– 29 ( 8+14+6+1)
Vertebrae -26
Sternum -1
Ribs – 24
Shoulder girdle – 4 (2+2)
Upper limbs -30×2=60
Pelvic girdle – 2 (1+1)
Lower limbs -30×2=60
Total bone human body – 206
Note – Are there 206 or 208 bones in the human body ?
Ans – At the birth we have 208 bones during development 2 sphenoid bone each side temporal lobe ,fuse to form 2 single sphenoid bone, ie we have 206 bone .

I hope you like this post-Human Skeleton system with detail .