How to recognize Specialist Doctors for disease/Specialist Doctors कैसे पहचाने
Specialist doctors are in master degrees in their own field as the medical field ( MBBS +MS/MD/DM/MCh)
1. Paediatrist/Paediatrician – Specialist of child diseases and problems
2. Gynecologist – Specialist of Women Reproductive organs related
3. Obstetrician- Specialist of delivers babies & take care of Mother after her Pregnancy
4. Dermatologist-Specialist of skin/hair related problems
5. Ophthalmologist- Specialist of Eyes related problems
6. Optician/Optometrist- They measure the vision of the eye and make glasses, (just like experts)
7. Orthopaedist- Specialist of bone-related problems like fracture, slip, discs,spine-related
8. Urologist- Specialist of kidneys, ureter, bladder, Male reproductive related problems
9. Nephrologist- Specialist of nephron( Kidneys)like kidney function, urine related problems
10. Gasrologist/Gastroenterologist – Study of illness of the stomach and digestive tract problem
11. Pathologist- Specialist of find diseases in nature through blood, urine, sputum, stool, CSF…
12. Radiologist/Radiodiagnostic- Specialist of Radio imaging to find the diseases through X-ray, CT scan, MRI, PET Scan like fracture, Granuloma, spinal problem pneumonia, cancer, etc…
13. MS – Master of Surgeon ( Surgeon)- Specialist of surgery to remove any damaged part or abnormal part of the body
14. MD – Doctor of Medicine ( General Physician)- Specialist of general diseases like Malaria, Typhoid, TB, Pneumonia, Viral fever, cough and cold, HTN……etc
15. Cardiologist – Specialist of Heart-related problems
16. Psychiatrist- Specialist of Mental & Emotional related problems
17. Otolaryngologist- Specialist of Ears, Nose & Throat related problems also a related area of head and neck. An otolaryngologist is also called ENT Doctor in short form.
18. Neurologist- Specialist of Brain, Spinal cord & Nervous system related problems like Headache, Migration, Convulsion, paralysis, facial palsy, Brain trauma …etc
19. Andrologist- Specialist of male health problems like male reproductive organ related problems
20. Dietician- Specialist of diet, means what types of food we take to stay healthy and fit advice given by Dietician
21. Oncologist- Specialist of Cancer-related problems.

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