Let’s start this post -How to help Sonu Sood and Niti Goyal
Coronavirus pandemic situation, Sonu Sood & friend Niti Goyal are set an exemplary for India .we are proud of this work, At this time political party crying each other but in the same time, Sonu Sood & Niti goyal & his /her friend try best to sent the migrant to his /her own native village/town.
About 1 lakh labors/workers have been sent by Sonu Sood & Niti and also heard by the news to ready to help labors & his family to own village and town till the end of this pitiable situation. (almost 45000 people is being fed by Sonu company)
Many actors, political & cricketer have power & money but only donate on PM cares and not go out his home to send the migrants to their native home.
Some migrants have died on the way, some are killed by rail accidents, some are dyeing of the scarcity of food/water.
In this time actor, Sonu Sood & his company arrive in power to help the migrants. He is giving toll-free number-18001213711 & WhatsApp number-9321472118 to the migrant of Maharashtra. He said if you are in Maharastra send massage how many, where are you in Maharastra through WhatsApp, toll-free number & twitters to Sonu Sood and also said Sonu I hope you will eat Mother hand’s food coming days.
Respected Sonu is ready to see call detail of migrants and arrange the buses with food packages and mineral water bottles to help the poor and migrants to sent their native town, this exemplary for society & humanity.
I hope all the Leaders, Administrators, Actors & cricketers, and other Players get ready to help the Sonu Sood & Niti goyal morally and financially to serve the migrants.
Many more people like leaders, administrators, actors, cricketer & other players are donating on PM cares on his label base, is also exemplary but in this situation (coronavirus) Sonu Sood & Niti goyal’s company are doing for is Outstanding for the society and humanity.
Especially I am proud of Sonu Sood & Niti goyal’s company.
Tag line of Sonu Sood –Main Apne aakhri sans tak parwasi Bhartiyo ko unke ghar pahuchata rahunga. (Bhartiyo – workers/workers family) (मैं अपने आख़री साँस तक प्रवासी भारतीयों /मजदूरों को उनके घर पहुँचाऊँगा।)
- खुद कमाओ घर चलाओ अभियान (The self-earned home run scheme) सोनू सूद द्वारा चलाया जा रहा है,
- Sonu Sood got an award -Humaneterian action award by UNDP & Hottest vegetarian celebrity trophy of 2020 by PETA India & Top position Sonu Sood in Asia in 50 celebrities
- Sonu Sood has written a book -‘ I AM NO MASSIHA’ (मसीहा )
I hope you like this post -How to help Sonu Sood and Niti Goyal.